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Saving Paradise (Series 2) - 3. Daintree Rainforest Australia of the Origins

拯救人間天堂(系列二) - 戴恩樹雨林

Saving Paradise (Series 2) - 2. Yala National Park, An Eden in Sri Lanka

拯救人間天堂(系列二) - 雅拉國家公園

Saving Paradise (Series 2) - 1. The Chocolate Hills of Bohol

拯救人間天堂(系列二) - 巧克力山

The New Hire - 2. Landing A Dream Job and Calling It Quits

殘障人士的職業夢 - 夢想的工作與放棄

The New Hire - 1. Can the Blind Be a Chef and the Deaf Be A Lorry Driver?

殘障人士的職業夢 - 盲人廚師與聾啞司機

On the Pulse - 8. Delay Ageing

緊貼醫學脈搏 - 延緩衰老

On the Pulse - 7. Cervical Cancer & HPV Vaccine

緊貼醫學脈搏 - 子宮頸癌與HPV疫苗

On the Pulse - 6. Eczema & SPF

緊貼醫學脈搏 - 濕疹與防曬系數

On the Pulse - 5. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

緊貼醫學脈搏 - 阻塞性睡眠窒息症

On the Pulse - 4. Gut Health & Gluten-Free Diet

緊貼醫學脈搏 - 腸道健康與無麩質飲食

On the Pulse - 3. Burnout & Myopia

緊貼醫學脈搏 - 疲勞過度與近視

On the Pulse - 2. Male Infertility & Safety Use in Gym Mirror

緊貼醫學脈搏 - 男性不育症與安全使用健身房的鏡子

On the Pulse - 1. Dementia Research

緊貼醫學脈搏 - 失智症研究